Women, Marriage, and the Gendering of Enlightened Reason

FRENCH R1B :  English Composition in Connection with the Reading of Literature (Session D)
Summer 2025
Class No: 12785
Mo, Tu, We, Th
Alexis Stanley
12:00 pm - 01:59 pm

This course will focus on literary depictions of the marriage bond in early modern European literature in order to examine relationships male and female authors drew between women protagonists and "Enlightened" procedures of reason, thought, and social emancipation. The early modern idea of Enlightened reason traditionally excluded women due to what was considered to be their innate feminine characteristics. Yet certain authors challenged or engaged with this gendered dynamic, offering not only novel interpretations of eligible or married women's place in the social fabric, but also criticism of the types of behavior women assumed in order to maintain autonomy. We will read and analyze a selection of texts from the French and British traditions that explore the following themes and questions: Did feminism exist in the early modern period? How did authors articulate the dynamic between marriage, consent, and social power? By what means were reason and the emotions gendered? Why did women writers appear to prefer the epistolary genre? How were women socially "othered"? What was the role of female sexuality in conceptions of pleasure and freedom? This course is also designed to fulfill the second half of the Reading and Composition requirement. The primary goal will therefore be to develop students' reading and writing skills through a series of assignments that will provide them with the opportunity to formulate observations made in class discussions into coherent argumentative essays. Emphasis will be placed on the refinement of effective sentence, paragraph, and thesis formation, keeping in mind the notion of writing as a process. In addition, students will be introduced to different methods of literary and linguistic analysis in their nonliterary readings. Texts (to be read in English translation) will include: Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew (1623); Lafayette, The Princesse de Clèves (1678); Graffigny, Letters from a Peruvian Woman (1747); Charrière, Letters of Mistress Henley Published by her Friend (1784); Fielding, Shamela (1741); additional short readings available on bCourses. To further our analyses, our readings occasionally will be accompanied by film viewings or alternative media representations of texts read in class.