Building on foundation established in first year, French 3 trains students in listening, reading, writing, and speaking French, through a discovery-based approach. Review and refinement of grammar.
Sign up for French 3 if you have a passing grade in French 2 at UC Berkeley or four years of high school French. New students who have taken second- or third-semester, or third or fourth quarter college French courses elsewhere or received an AP score of 3, should also enroll in French 3; they will be screened for appropriate placement during the first week of classes. Course not open to native or heritage speakers of French.
The course covers topics such as family, gender, urban life, politics, the environment, cultural icons, among others. Emphasis is placed on the development of oral and written expression in order to promote linguistic and cultural competences through an extensive grammar review and exploration of texts, visual and audio sources, multi-media, and other cultural artifacts through a discovery-based pedagogy.
Required texts:
- Schultz and Tranvouez, Réseau, 2ème edition (publisher: LingroLearning);
- Cahier d’activités (Student Activities Manual) =SAM 2ème edition and la clé de correction (answer key) pour le SAM 2ème éd. (publisher: LingroLearning).