Staging Tyranny in France from Jean Racine to Aimé Césaire (1600-2000)

121A :  Theme, Genre, Structure
Fall 2022
Class No: 31050
124 Wheeler
D. Blocker
9:30-11 am

Tyranny often plays out as a bewildering spectacle. This class will observe the theatricality of tyrants from a literary perspective, asking why and how, in the French-speaking theatrical tradition — from the 17th century until today — so many major plays were centered on figures of authoritarian rulers. For what reasons was the spectacle of tyrants so important for the development of French classical theater — and why did such spectacles remain pervasive on the French-speaking stage well into the 19th and 20th centuries, i.e. even after the French Revolution? Conversely, in what ways did the depiction of these authoritarian rulers shape not only French theater, but also France’s understanding of monarchical power, and, later on, its conceptions of the ideal polity? Conversely, how are efforts to resist tyranny portrayed, especially tyrannicide? Is a play centered on tyranny always, in some way, a play about freedom? This class offers an extensive and detailed survey of French drama over four centuries, with emphasis on genre development and dramatic theory. Based on the study of works by major French and Francophone authors, it also functions as an introduction to French and Francophone political culture, allowing for the parallel exploration of how the French-speaking world imagines political rule across its history. Films and recordings will be used to support students’ reading of the plays assigned. All readings, class discussions, and course work are done in French.