Michael 'Michel' Arrigo
4308 Dwinelle
Wednesdays and Thursdays 11 AM - 12 PM; email to request appointment
Curriculum vitae
UC Berkeley, PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures (Linguistics), Summer 2020.
- Thesis: "Rumor Has It: The Press Conditional in French and Spanish"
UC Davis, B.A. in French and Spanish, Spring 2008.
Beginning and intermediate French; French practical phonetics and listening comprehension
Recommended Links
- Le français de nos régions - ongoing project dedicated to mapping linguistic variation across the francophone world
- FrenchSounds - YouTube resource for French pronunciation
Recommended Dining Establishments
- Zaytoon - Albany's best restaurant
- Everest Kitchen - excellent Nepalese happy hour in Albany (if ordering the peanuts, request that the peanuts be made spicy if desired)
- Fava - Berkeley's finest falafel
- Le Sévero - fine-lunching in Paris
- The Wood Tavern - mid-afternoon noshing in Oakland
- Zuari - fine-dining in Lisbon
Selected Publications
2021. "L’incertitude à double sens: le conditionnel journalistique et la construction de l’objectivité et de la subjectivité dans les textes journalistiques." Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique, no 15: 35‑47. Full PDF.