Suzanne Guerlac
Distinguished Professor Emerita
Research Areas
Prof. Guerlac’s principal areas of research include 19th and 20th century literature and thought. Her interests include the examination of cultural ideologies and articulations between literature and philosophy, and literature and the visual arts. Her current project, Proust and Photography, examines time, vision and the production of experience in A La Recherche du Temps Perdu.
Selected Publications
“Little Cuts in Time: Photography and the Everyday,” in The Made and the Found, Essays in Honor of Michael Sheringham, edited by Emily McLaughlin and Peter McGuinness, (Legenda, 2017)
“Rancière and Proust: Two Temptations ,” in Understanding Rancière, Understanding Modernism, edited by Patrick Bray, (Palgrave 2016).
“Swann’s Gift – Odette’s face (Photography, Money and the Social World in À la recherche du temps perdu)” in Proust and the Arts, (Cambridge U Press, 2015).
“The time of Emergence/ The Emergence of Time. Life in the Age of Mechanical (re) Production, ” in The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations, ed. Raghu Garud, Barbara Simpson, Ann Langley and Hardimos Tsoukas, in Perspectives in Process Organization Studies series (Oxford UP, 2105).
“Valéry, ‘entre le vrai et le vivant’”, in Journées Paul Valéry, 2014, published by the Musée Paul Valery (Fata Morgana , 2015)
“Bergson, the Void and the Politics of Life” in Bergson’s Political and Social Thought, edited by Alex Lefebvre and Melanie White (Duke UP, 2012)
“Victor Hugo: ‘Fonctionnaire de la civilisation’”, La Revue des Sciences Humaines, no. 302, avril-juin 2011.
“Visual Dust: on time, memory and photography in Proust”, French and Francophone Studies: Sites 13.4/13.5 Limits/ limites.
“Valéry – Modernist Myths and (Anti) Modernist States of Mind” The Romanic Review 99, pp. 401-412.
“The Useless Image – Bataille, Magritte, Bergson,” Representations 97, winter 2007, pp. 28-56
“Sartre, – ‘au bord de l’image’ in Situating/Situations de Sartre 2005, (New York University, 2007)