Ulysse Dutoit
Lecturer Emeritus
Research Areas
The visual arts, particularly film and painting.
Selected Publications
Rohmer’s Salon, Film Quarterly Fall 2009
Forms of Being Cinema, Aesthetics,Subjectivity. BFI 2004
Les Secrets du Caravage edition EPEL Paris (Dec 2002). Reviewed in Le Monde January 2003; Le Nouvelle Observateur January 2003, Beaux Arts magazine April 2003.
Caravaggio: Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio (with L. Bersani, British Film Institute, 1999)
Caravaggio’s Secrets (with L. Bersani, MIT Press, 1998)
Arts of Impoverishment: Beckett, Rothko and Resnais (with L. Bersani, Harvard University Press, l993)
The Forms of Violence: Narrative in Assyrian Art and Modern Culture (with L. Bersani, Schocken Books, l985)