General Minor in French
Students who have a strong interest in an area of study outside their major often decide to complete a minor program. These programs have set requirements and are noted officially on the transcript. They are not noted on the diploma. Students may choose to complete a General Minor in French.
To undertake work toward a minor in French, students must first complete French 4 or its equivalent before beginning upper-division work in French. French 4 must be completed before a student can enroll in French 102. Students who do not complete French 4 at Berkeley will need to take a 102 Placement Exam or receive instructor permission before enrollment in 102 is finalized. Conversation courses (French 13 and 14) cannot be substituted for French 1- 4.
French 102
four upper-division French courses between French 103A/B and French 185, excluding French 140-141.
(Only one course from the series French 103A/B can count toward the General Minor) One course requirement may be satisfied by participation in the Summer Global Internship in Paris program offered by Berkeley Summer Sessions.
All coursework is to be written in French. Exception: FRENCH 142AC (Cultures of Franco-America) may satisfy one course requirement in the Minor.
French 199 does not count toward the minor. Similarly, students may not receive upper-division course credit toward the minor for AP Language and Literature exams (policy of the College of Letters and Science).
Students wishing to request waivers of French 102 based on previous equivalent coursework should contact the Undergraduate Advisor in French. If a waiver of French 102 is granted by the Department, the student will still need to complete a total of five upper-division French courses.
According to University regulations, all courses must be taken for a letter grade in order to satisfy requirements for a minor. upper-division courses taken Pass/No Pass cannot be accepted in satisfaction of the five necessary courses for the minor. If, for some reason, an upper-division course was taken Pass/No Pass, the student must take an additional Upper Division course in the French Department for a letter grade. At least a “C” average, 2.0 GPA, is required in upper-division courses taken for the minor program in French.
According to University guidelines, a maximum of one course that is used toward the student’s minor may also be used toward a major program. It is the responsibility of the student to inform his/her major department of any course to be used toward both the student’s major and the French minor.
Students who intend to complete the minor in French should fill out an Application to the General Minor in French once they have begun upper-division work in French (French 102 or above). Students should keep in contact with the Undergraduate Advisor in French as they complete coursework for the minor.
To complete the minor, students download and fill out the form called “Completion of L and S Minor“. This petition is necessary for the official notation of the French Minor to appear on students’ transcripts. This petition must be completed and submitted by Friday of RRR week of a student’s Expected Graduation Term. Students are responsible for the timely completion and submission of these forms. All petitions are reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Advisor in French.