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Amber Sweat

Doctoral Candidate
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Tuesday 4-5 PM and Thursday 3-4 PM

Research Areas

The Black French Atlantic; children and girlhood studies; affect theory; intermediation/transmediation.


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I’m in the final year of the PhD with a designated emphasis in Film and Media and certificates in Global Urban Humanities; Teaching, Learning, and Higher Education; Universal Design for Learning (UDL). I am also an adjunct faculty member at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Adole(sense), set to become my first monograph, examines moments from texts that I consider emblematic of screen age Black girlhood, and the ways that screened life forges novel interactions with sensuous life. Analyzing novels and films by Gisèle Pineau, Maïmouna Doucouré, Mati Diop, and Marie NDiaye among others, I argue that screened life does not necessitate a split between the self, body, and image. Instead, I argue that these texts oft trigger a return to the flesh and its senses, complicating the scopic; this is especially crucial for racialized girls, since photoimaging’s racial biases cleave, flatten, or distort her image. Further, this corporealization happens with the audience via formal methods that emphasize kinesis and viscera. I show how these moments make readers and viewers shiver, become breathless, elicit particular textures, and pique an interest in the body, its limits, and its possibilities in an age where both bodies and texts are existentially complicated by the digital. The ultimate result, for the girls in-text, is the development of a corporeal episteme. For us, it's what we might call "empathy."

My second book project concerns Black girl technocultures in Francophone new media, this time outside of narrative fictions. I am also working towards a collected edition on Francophone women's textual genealogies and the feminist historiographies we might find therewithin. When I can, I also enjoy exploring and teaching on the Black American expatriates–Richard Wright, James Baldwin, Josephine Baker, and the elusive Marpessa Dawn, to name a few. For fun, I also like to think about net communities' engagement with literature and media. I am currently sketching out a few public-facing pieces, including a project on r/BooksThatFeelLikeThis.

I received my MA from Berkeley in 2020 and come to California by way of an Honors BA in French and History at UT Austin. Before Berkeley, I also held a research internship at l'Université de Paris (Sorbonne-IV), Centre Roland Mousnier. I was in the 2017-2018 cohort for the Teaching Assistant Program in France (aka TAPIF) in Aubervilliers, France. I am a Chancellor's Fellow and former Gérard Fellow, and I was happy to receive honorable mention from the Ford Foundation in 2023. I was a research assistant for the Universal Design Working Group in 2023, and I also undertook funded research with the Center for Race and Gender. I hold former affiliations with the Berkeley Transformative Justice Group and the Mellon-Berkeley Law and Humanities Symposium.

More than anything, I'm a very proud first-generation student of Black/Pinay ancestry. I was raised and heat-tested in Texas. I have a penchant for coffee shops, cycling, and distance running. I’m learning how to play chess. Dementia awareness and advising mean a lot to me.

You can also find me at Furthermore, my GoogleScholar is here. 

Selected Publications

Some of my writing:

"Articulāre: On Archival Temporality and Saying the Unspeakable." Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International. State University of New York Press. (Forthcoming)

“‘Cyborg-Cute': Colors of 'Good' Mixed-Race Algorithms.” Chapter in Color Protocols: Technologies of Racial Encoding in Chromatic Media (2025). MIT Press. Boston, Massachusetts. (In press)

Space to Breathe.” Qui parle 33, no. 1 (2024): 223–236.

Mise(ère)-En-Scène : Transposition and the Child in Hugo’s and Ly’s Les Misérables.” L’Esprit créateur 63.3 (2023): 67–79. Web.

 "The Lost Promise of Childhood." Africa is a Country. Online, 2023.

 "The Colonial Wounds of Senegal’s Girlchild.Africa is a Country. Online, 2023.

Review of “L’ambivalence de La Sacralisation de l’enfance Dans l’écriture de Gisèle Pineau, Malika Mokeddem, Ken Bugul" by Djoher Sadoun. The French review 96.2 (2022): 269–270. Web.

Sweat, Amber and Abad-Ocubillo, Robin. “Diaspora: Identity and the Pathos of Global Labor.” Review commissioned for San Francisco Urban Film Festival. Digital, 2020.  

Urban Manufacturing: Nostalgia or Necessity? On Montreal, Metalsmithing, and the Materialization of Patrimoine. Review commissioned for San Francisco Urban Film Festival. Digital, 2020. 


In preparation/Circulation: 

"'There is nothing to repair': (Im)materialities and temporality in Mati Diop’s Dahomey (2024)." (In preparation for peer-review).

"‘Tik tok la diougué’: On Mossane, Safi Faye’s Intermedial Girl." (In preparation for peer-review).

"Looking for 'Books that Feel Like This': On Curating Vibe-Based Literature." (In preparation, public).  



Juan Antonio Elvira Calito, and Amber Sweat. “BENEATH THE SURFACE.” Maya America 4.1 (2022): 66–75. Print. 

Sophie Villers, and Amber Sweat. “I, Volcano: Of Earth and Fire.” Maya America 4.1 (2022): 47–61. Print.