French for Teaching and Related Careers
Lightbown and Spada, How Languages are Learned, Third Edition. Oxford UP, 2006; French 138 Reader.
Course Description:
This course will introduce students to the field of second language acquisition, considering specific issues in learning and teaching French. What is “grammar” and how does it relate to our everyday use of language? What is the significance of language errors? How do “spoken” and “written” norms differ? What roles do a student’s native language, as well as motivation, memory, and personality play in the learning of a second language? How do social factors affect language learning? What is the nature of the relationship between language and culture, and how can culture be taught through language? We will study models of second language acquisition, as well as a variety of approaches to the teaching of French as a foreign language. Students will learn how to observe and analyze teaching and will get practice in preparing and teaching a micro-lesson. A special feature of the class will be weekly online collaboration with students at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, who will be enrolled in a similar course.
French 35 and 102 or consent of instructor.
Additional information:
This course satisfies 1 “Elective” course requirement in the French Major. This course satisfies the College of Letters and Science breadth requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Priority enrollment for declared French majors.